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Caught in the Act of Kindness - September 2021

Celebrating individuals, groups and organizations that share their time, talent and treasure to meet the needs in our community.


A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. ~ Amelia Earhart

For consideration in Caught in the Act of Kindness, email an example of how an individual,
group or organization went above and beyond to help those in need to
If you have a related high-resolution photo, please include that as well.

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Tom Golisano has gifted $30 million to Special Olympics to expand the organization’s Healthy Communities program, which provides critical health services globally for people with intellectual disabilities.

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Lee Health Foundation’s “Help our Heroes” campaign raised over $100,000 through community donations to help Lee Health’s health care workers with the resources they need to take care of themselves mentally and physically while taking care of the public during the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.


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Lance and Deonne Boxer contributed $100,000 to the NCH COVID Respond/Relief Fund.

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Swinging With Purpose fulfilled 2021 grants in excess of $70,000 to WellFit Girls, Family Initiative Cooperative, Dreamcatchers, Partners in Breast Cancer Care, After the Rain, Alliance for Period Supplies of SWFL, The Ricky King Children’s Fund, Premier Mobile Health Services and LACES of Love. 

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Community Foundation of Collier County provided a $67,000 grant for trees for Everglades City recovery and disaster preparation, in partnership with Naples Botanical Garden.

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Goodwill Industries of Southwest Florida has been awarded a grant of $50,000 from the Golisano Foundation to support Pathways to Opportunity (PTO), a day training program that provides opportunities for adults with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities who want to gain independence and empowerment and experience new opportunities.


Youth Haven, Inc. received a $27,000 donation from the Elizabeth K. Galeana Charitable Foundation, Inc.

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Collier Senior Resources received a $25,000 grant from Senior Friendship Center for its UPSLIDE (Utilizing and Promoting Social Engagement for Loneliness, Isolation and Depression in Elderly) program.

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Avow Hospice received a $20,000 grant from Moorings Park Foundation to support adult bereavement programs in our community.

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Healthcare Network received a $10,000 grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities to support its Ronald McDonald Care Mobile.

During the current surge in COVID-19 cases, NCH distributed more than 11,000 masks to community members and organizations as part of its "All Heroes Wear Masks" educational initiative.

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Sunshine Ace Hardware raised $3,800 during its three-day Children’s Miracle Network Blue Bucket Days campaign to help provide life-changing medical care for children across the region.

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Collins Vision partnered with Florida Lions Eye Clinic to provide free cataract surgery to those in need.

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Shy Wolf Sanctuary received a grant from Emma Loves Dogs to build new houses and platforms for resident animals.

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Photo credit: Nicole Nixon


Chef Amber Phillips and other chefs and restaurant owners came together to provide daily lunches to 35 girls at Pace Center for Girls in Immokalee for two and a half weeks. And when Youth Haven’s Chef had to take an unexpected leave of absence, Phillips immediately put out a call for help to cover dinners for the next 10 days.

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Kelly Apfel, Marketing and Development Manager of the Midwest Food Bank-Florida Division.


Midwest Food Bank Florida was named Nonprofit of the Year at the 2021 SWFL Inc. INCredible Awards.

Valerie’s House was awarded a $50,000 grant from Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) toward its mission of helping children grieve the loss of a loved one.

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